Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Location Sheet

Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Music Video
Client: Soldier- Samantha Jade
Writer: Conor Lusted
Producer: Conor Lusted
Director: Conor Lusted
Date: September 2014

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note

I need to pay for travel to be able to get to the locations for the music video.

Access to location via:

We will need to get the train to London and the Euro Tunnel to Paris.

Name and number of location contact:

Name: Conor Lusted
Number: 07460425794

 Health and Safety Issues to note:

      Dancing- make sure whoever is in the music video is aware of their surroundings.
      Make sure everyone stays together so time is not wasted filming.
      Make sure that people are drinking and eating healthy so we do not have any accidents.

Potential Filming Problems :

      Camera runs out of battery- fully charge the camera before taking out to use or keep the charger with me at all times.
      Not allowed to film in the location I have chosen- make sure that I have some back up places to go.
      Crew or cast may be ill- have an under study for each member of the cast and crew.

Additional Notes:  (map of area/weather forecast etc)

Need to make sure that the weather is good on the day that we go to film so the camera does not get wet and the cast and crew.


1 comment:

  1. Connor, where is my work? You MUST publish what you have done. See me as a matter of urgency if you need help.
