Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Blog 5 Andrew Goodwin Part 1

Blog 5 Andrew Goodwin Part 1

 Andrew Goodwin identified 5 key aspects of music videos that the audience should look out for. These are things such as: thought beats which means seeing the sound and the idea that the voice of the artist may demonstrate the meaning of the song lyrics in a different way depending on how the sing them, and narrative and performance, which means that people understand the gist of the song but often interpret the meaning in our own way and this is assisted with the indirect association of the music video.
 Another of Goodwin's five key aspects is the star image which he described as the progression of the artist over time and how they play an important role in the production process. Goodwin also said that the relation of visuals to song is important. This is how music videos use images to relay the meanings of the song and lyrics. His final key aspect was the technical aspects by which he meant the effect and the uses of the camera angles and shots as well as the lighting and mise-en-scene of the music video. 
Andrew Goodwin said that pop videos consist of dance routines or stories whereas rock videos show performances. This is true as can be seen in the videos of the "Foo Fighters" compared to "Ariana Grande".

1 comment:

  1. Connor please illustrate your points with specific examples that you analyse to show exactly how they are proving the point being made.

    Mr Williamson
