Friday 24 April 2015

Constructing the Advert

Constructing The Advert

 When constructing the magazine, I began with a handful of images. I then chose which was the best image. I then considered the things that I would need for the magazine advert. It must have a picture, an album title, maybe a release date and perhaps a rating from a newspaper or a successful musician. I knew I needed manipulate the image but also need to make sure that it is relevant to the name of the song and the album title. On the magazine advert, I will have the picture in the centre of the page and there will be the album title "Soldier". I have looked at album covers from artists such as Taylor Swift, Rita Ora, and Beyonce and this has given me some ideas as to the way that I want my album cover and my magazine advert to look. I have decided to make the album title the same name as the name of the song because there are a number of artists who use the same title for both album and song title. This also means that I can be more creative with how the album looks.

 Once I had chosen the photo I would use, I used Adobe Photoshop CS6 for my magazine advert and this is an ideal programme to use because it is a very helpful piece of software that allows you to be creative with your work. I used the sharpening tool on the picture and this made it clearer. However, I then continued to use it and this led to the picture becoming grainy. This was an effect that I liked the look of and it meant that I could add other images on top without it looking extremely unprofessional as I could blend them together. I added very faint ripple effects also to enable the reader to focus on the centre of the page. I chose to have a QR code in the bottom corner of the magazine advert so that readers can access the album on their phones and tablets. I also put images of the HMV logo and the iTunes logo along with the Spotify logo so that readers knew where exactly to find the album. This was the original picture alongside the finished product.

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