Monday, 27 April 2015

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

For the last two years, I have been studying Media Studies at A Level. During this time, I have had to use audience feedback for various tasks. More recently, I have used audience feedback for the making of my music video, magazine advert and digipak. This has been helpful as I have been able to render my work before it is too late and I have therefore been able to make it better. The three stages of the making these products are: the planning stages, the production stages, and the evaluating stages. The audience feedback is and has been very useful at all of these stages. I have used focus groups, Survey monkey, and I have even posted things on my Facebook account in order to ensue that I got a larger range of people and more thorough research. 

Audience Feedback in the Planning Stages

During the first stages, I chose the music that I would use. I managed to narrow it down to a possible three songs which were: "Fast Like You" by Chasing Thrill, and "Soldier" by Samantha Jade. I chose the latter and so began to prepare what I would do in order to make the music video as good as possible. In order to ensure that I had everyone telling me their ideas, I held a focus group with my class so that they could tell me their ideas and opinions on my initial thoughts. I listened to the ideas that were put forward but I was already confident that I knew what to do and how to effectively use these in my video. After having been given other ideas, I put these all together and I had a brief meeting with my partner to discuss the ideas that had been mentioned and so began to record the music video.

Audience Feedback in the Production Stage 

After I had filmed the first part of my video, I made a rough cut. I then had people comment on it while I held a focus group. I showed the rough cut to my peers and then asked for feedback. One person suggested that I should make the editing faster and that I should edit to the beat more effectively. I took this advice on board and proceeded to increase the speed of the editing. I noticed that the song was much faster than the slow editing. For this reason, I edited to the beat throughout the entire song. Another person said that I had not used very many locations. I looked through my song and found that I had, in fact, not used too many locations and that I would benefit from filming in other places. I then went out and filmed some more shots for the music video. I felt that it was a good decision to re-film and that by getting audience feedback, I made my video even better.

Audience Feedback Evaluation: Final Stage

After having completed my three products, I received my final bit of audience feedback with those that I asked giving me their final input. In order to show these results,
 I used the website "Survey Monkey" to get feedback about the music industry and my music video. I chose six questions that I would include on my page for some people to answer. I then evaluated the answers and posted the results below.

  The results from the survey monkey that I did showed that I have successfully ensured that the music video was relevant to the song. 100% of the responses that I got showed that I had managed to film relevant shots to compliment the song.

 The results from the second question on my survey showed that the majority of the participants who answered my questions felt that I had filmed the music video in the style of a music video. Only one person was unsure of how the style of a music video should look.

The results from my third question divided opinion amongst the participants. The majority of them thought that I had used a good variation of shots in my music video. However, some people believed that I could have done more to ensure that there was a wider range of shots. Some of the answers I had were that I could have had more close up shots and that more angled shots could have been included.

My fourth question was about the timing of lip syncing was. The results from this question showed that everyone who took this survey agreed that the lip syncing was in time. This was a question that was important because if the answers had not been positive, then it would have meant that the music video wasn't very well done.

"Was the lighting effective?" was my fifth question and I had all but one of my participants agreeing that it was in fact effective. This was disappointing as the lightning was important in the overall theme of the video.

My sixth and final question was about how well the locations worked with the overall feel of the song. Unfortunately, I had mostly negative responses from this question. Some of the ideas that the participants suggested were that the outdoor locations were irrelevant and that there could have been shots in fun fairs with the boy winning prizes for the girl. However, one person said that they loved every location that was used.

These are the people who completed my survey on survey monkey watching the rough cut of my music video.

Overall, at every stage of the work that I have completed, audience feedback has been priceless in helping me get the work done to a good standard. It has enabled me to perfect my work and make it to a standard that I am very happy with. 

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